October 1 - Lit Gaming Podcast
Lit Gaming is joined by Tim of The Cabinet Podcast and David of Dos: After You and for an episode where they take a dive into the history, content, and social impact of Slender Man, one of their favorite cryptids. They discuss everything from the inception of Slender Man on SomethingAwful to the Paranormal Tulpa Theory. Slender Man has shaped so much of what they consider to be a modern cryptid, and they discuss some other more recent cryptids that are spreading through similar means as Slender Man, like Sirenhead.

October 2 - Flicks XRayed
Go to the Dark Carnival for this special episode of season five of Flicks XRayed for All The Horror because they are watching and reviewing Something Wicked This Way Comes. Host, Librarian Tony is joined by co-host Cigar Salesman Ryan and guests Autumn Person Duff, and Lightning Rod Salesman Zach from the podcast Of Gods and Monsters. So tune in as they discuss at length about Carnivals, Disney Obscurity, Jonathan Pryce and sooo much more.

October 3 - Jackie Watches Stuff
Jackie watches Friday the 13th with Charlene Bayer and Kelly Wright, hosts of the Drinking and Screaming Podcast (@drink_scream on Twitter and Instagram) head to Camp Crystal Lake with Jackie....will they make it out alive?

October 4 - ATH 666 RADIO
In this special episode with DJ Indy Randhawa from I Love This, You Should Too we feature two musical artists, Tanner Stokes and Vovkulaka along with some fun bonus content from Stories of Yore and Yours , Reverie True Crime and Believer/Skeptic Podcast.

October 5 - Reverie True Crime Podcast
Join your host Paige, co-hosts Mackenzie from Death by Champagne, and Jenny from It’s Murder Up North for this crazy episode!
Picture yourself sitting at a campfire with 3 friends telling you a story about the movie, The Exorcism of Emily Rose and the true story of Anneliese Michel which inspired it.
Bonus Episode - I Love This, You Should Too
In their first spooktober episode Indy and Samantha discuss what They’d do as ghosts, the atmospheric horror It Follows, spooky podcasts, and preview next week's film The Exorcist!

October 6 - 2 Girls on a Bench
Tricia and Siana are joined by their friend Drew Hallum from @ReelFeelsPod and other shenanigans to discuss The Omen II, ravens, demons, archijournalists & scary kids! – just in time for Halloween!
Bonus Episode - Dead Eyes and Moonlit Skies
We are very pleased to be able to feature the debut of a brand new HORROR podcast!! Check out the first chapter of the serialization of an original horror novel entitled The White Oak’s Widow by author and narrator Zach Hughes.

October 7 - Fellowship of the Geeks
The Fellowship is pleased to present this year's #AllTheHorror collaboration, where They host a discussion of the 1972 film Horror Express. This time they're joined by Amelia from Pitney & Amelia's Bitchen Boutique, Jackie from Jackie Watches Stuff, and Trish from Invasion of the Remake. This is one for the ages, in which they discuss geography, the benefits of regular showers, how to hide in a confined space, Rasputin lookalikes, making movies on vacation, childhood horror, and a ton of other stuff.

October 8 - Penance RPG
This year Penance kept the "choose your location" style from last year and created a new tale of the weird & wonderful from their love of Horror & Storytelling, opening it up once again to any and all brave enough to take up this quest... This year's tale tells of the search for something truly unique, lost somewhere within the small village of Luchgobar... As for what it is and who finds it, well... that's for you to discover in time. Penance is joined by All The horror alumni Mikey Geek from Fellowship of the geeks.

October 9 - Netflix & Swill
t’s a special presentation of Netflix ‘N Swill, ,just for #AllTheHorror. In it, they discuss their top 5 Netflix Original Horror movies. Plus a little bonus pick from Shawn Ennis of Stories of Yore and Yours(soon to be Ink & Ash) that made Dan do a victory lap around his house.
ATH Special - An Interview with William Simmons
We are pleased to have been given the opportunity to interview William Simmons author of Season of the Dead: Supernatural Horror For Halloween. Join Sam & Stormy from the Real Horrorshow Podcast as they chat with William about his new book, his upcoming book and so much more.
William has also kindly offered a limited number of copies of Season of the Dead for us to giveaway! Support our charity Scares that Care to get one before they're gone!

October 10 - Pitney & Amelia's Bitchen Boutique
Pitney & Amelia are joined by Dr. Leks Drakos of the Geekly in this very special All the Horror episode, Murderers, Malcontents, and Malignant Fiends: Trans Characters in Horror.

October 11 - Brook Reading
The Horror Academic teams up with Brook Reading Podcast to celebrate All The Horror 2020 with Wes Craven's 1984 classic A Nightmare on Elm Street! This is part 1 of 2.

October 12 - DOUBLE FEATURE- Drinking & Screaming / Gargantucast
Kelly and Charlene are joined by Jackie and Sean from the movie podcast “Jackie Watches Stuff” to discuss the fabulous horror film “Insidious” from 2011. Their horror movie discussion revolves around believing your significant others when they say they saw a ghost, how Josh Lambert is an awful father/husband figure, and the creepiest seance scene ever.
Chris McDonald and Cole Grisson are joined by Invasion of the Remake's Trish Cochlan. Together they dig their way with 1956's Rodan as they analyze the film's environmental themes and discuss how Rodan helped cement the kaiju genre.

October 13 - Invasion of the Remake
Remaking Neon Maniacs (1986) - The Invaders are joined by some very special guests I Love This You Should Too, Drinking & Screaming and Gargantucast to help us remake Neon Maniacs (1986) for All The Horror! The team threw them in the deep end of the pool (which may keep them safe) with this one as strange mutants are attacking San Francisco in this bizarre 80s horror flick. Will they survive the attack of the Neon Maniacs and will they forgive the Invaders for making them watch this weird creature feature?
BONUS EPISODE - Brook Reading
Melissa sits sit down (virtually) with Sam from the Invasion of the Remake Podcast. Sam is the organizer of our annual media and podcast event, All the Horror. They discuss his passion for individuality, creativity, and family within the podcasting universe, as well as the origin and history of All the Horror.

October 14 - Real Horrorshow
This year, for their annual Halloween special, Sam & Stormy decided to review Halloween Kills (2021) with Drinking and Screaming! They're not going to let a little pandemic stand in the way of the most anticipated horror sequel of 2020!

October 15 - School of Schlock
Every great filmmaker has to start somewhere, and many make their first marks in low-budget B-movies. Here we have proof that even icons like Francis Ford Coppola aren't immune from a B-movie backlog in their filmography. Join Tom, Ryan, and special guest George Heftler from the Best Little Horror House in Philly podcast for an #AllTheHorror special collaboration where they talk about sequels, missed opportunities, and Wes Anderson! It's their review of Dementia 13!

October 16 - Victims & Villians
What would you do to get the ultimate video game experience? How about the ultimate horror experience? Edward Furlong would apparently go fairly far. School of Schlock, hosts Tom & Ryan, join Victims & Villians to talk about the 1994 cult classic, Brainscan. Through understanding this cult classic, They're talking about their own beginnings within the genre of horror, the genre's problematic portrayal of women, the importance of community and so much more.